Here I try to answer some of the frequently asked questions about my mod Unlock Plus.
There are 2 ways to open the mod configuration:
The red Unlock Plus configuration button on the left side of the character inventory or the command line command:
DataCmd UnlockPlus Config
Regardless of your role (admin or player), the configuration will open in “player” mode.
To access the server settings, you must first make yourself an admin (“Make Me Admin” button in the game’s server settings), and then switch to “admin” in the Unlock Plus mod settings.
This is simply a visual bug in the game. Even without mods, all sorcery workbenches are shown as “open” to all players, whether they are in the owning clan or not. However, if someone outside the clan tries to access a supposedly open workbench, they will receive an error message if the workbench is locked.
Therefore, when using Unlock Plus, look at the icon and text of the radial menu item to determine the current state. If you open the radial menu of a sorcerer’s workbench and see the red ‘Unlock’ icon, then the Workbench is currently locked and no one outside the clan can access it. On the other hand, if you see the red “Lock” icon, then the workbench is currently open and any player, regardless of clan, can access it.
No, this does not exist and is not planned.
In general, we only support the current version of the game and mods. Since mod and game updates can sometimes be a bit problematic, we also have the previous version of the mod available in our download section (Downloads).
What we do not support under any circumstances are completely outdated versions of the game, whether you bought the game and prefer to play an old version, or whether you are using a pirated copy of the game. We do not support outdated versions of the game or mods.
So don’t even ask for version x of the mod that works with the 2020 version of the game.
See my answer in Is feature x also available as a standalone mod?
Bug reports must always be made via the discord server. Only there, it is possible to deal with bug reports in detail.
Definitely not suitable for bug reports: the comment section at the bottom of this page!
The way the Unreal Engine manages its files makes it impossible to implement a feature in more than one mod without significant additional effort. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time for that.
Most parts of the mod are configurable and can be enabled or disabled as an admin and/or player. If you miss a setting, feel free to make a suggestion. The best place to do this is my discord server: Testerles Conan Exiles Mods
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