Here I try to answer some of the frequently asked questions about my mod Unlock Plus. How do I open the mod settings? There are 2 ways to open the mod configuration:The red Unlock Plus configuration button on the left side of the character inventory or the command line command:Dat ...
Compatibility notes and load order
General notes I always try to develop my mods with maximum compatibility to the base game and other mods in mind. I think this works relatively well so far, but that doesn't mean that there can't or won't be incompatibilities.If several mods implement identical or very similar features, you can ...
Better Thralls – Q&A
Here I try to answer some of the frequently asked questions about my mod Better Thralls. How do I open the mod settings? There are 2 ways to open the mod configuration:The green Better Thralls configuration button on the left side of the character inventory or the command line com ...
Fahionist – Base Game Weapons
Since Fashionist 4.1, both the Attached Weapons on the character and the Weapon Style are controlled via weapon categories. The weapon category defines where the weapon is displayed on the character and which weapons can be styled together.The following applies:Weapons of the same category are alway ...
Tutorial: Simple Feat Blocker
This step-by-step tutorial is meant for covering the basics and the intention of being beginner friendly. The result is that this mod will not have a lot of features. It’s a simple and clean feat blocker. Nothing more, and nothing less.Let's start!Step 1: Create a new modIf you already have a mod, g ...
Fashionist – Mod Configuration
Since Fashionist 4.0 the somewhat cumbersome configuration of the mod via command line commands is history. A new configuration interface was integrated. It offers not only admins, but also players, a lot of configuration options.How to open the configurationThere are 2 ways to open the mod configur ...
Fashionist – Mod Weapons
How and where a weapon is displayed depends for Fashionist mainly on the Weapon Type and Weapon Arche Type from the item datatable. The combinations supported are those used by Funcom. Unfortunately, this information is not always sufficient to identify a weapon category unambiguously, because Funco ...
Mod Downloads
Current VersionHere you can find the current versions of my mods. These are primarily intended for MS Gamepass players and/or server admins.Fashionist v4.5.7 - Mod-ID: 1159180273 - Upload: 10-19-2024BetterThralls-v2.3.3 - Mod-ID: 931088249 - Upload: 03-28-2025UnlockPlus-v1.8.9 - Mod-ID: 877108545 - ...
Fashionist – Q&A
Here I try to answer some of the frequently asked questions about my mod Fashionist. How do I open the mod settings? There are 2 ways to open the mod configuration.The blue Fashionist configuration button on the left side of the character inventory or the command line command:Data ...