Fashionist – Mod Configuration

Since Fashionist 4.0 the somewhat cumbersome configuration of the mod via command line commands is history. A new configuration interface was integrated. It offers not only admins, but also players, a lot of configuration options.

How to open the configuration

There are 2 ways to open the mod configuration:

The blue Fashionist configuration button on the left side of the character inventory.

Fashionist configuration button

or the command line command in case the configuration button is not visible:

DataCmd Fashionist Config

Regardless of the role (admin or player), the configuration opens in “player” mode:

Fashionist configuration in "player"-mode

Changed settings become active only after saving!

Fashionist player configuration "Save"


For players, there are currently 2 configuration groups: General and Attached Weapons.

A disabled feature can be recognized by the grayed out settings and the disabled next to the feature name.
Fashionist player configuration: "disabled" feature

This is a server setting that only a server administrator can make. The player cannot circumvent this restriction!

Attached Weapons

Here you can find all settings for “Attached Weapons”. All settings made are individual and apply only to the player himself.

All weapons like sword, spear, bow or shield are not displayed on the character.

Fashionist player configuration "Attache Weapons - Hide All Weapons"

All tools like pickaxe, cleaver or skinning knife are not displayed on the character.

Fashionist player configuration "Attache Weapons - Hide all tools"

All attached weapons and tools are not displayed while the character is riding.

Fashionist player configuration "Attache Weapons - Hide while riding"

All attached weapons and tools are not displayed while the character is sitting.

Fashionist player configuration "Attache Weapons - Hide while sitting"

Allows you to disable individual weapon/tool categories, such as the shield, and thus not display them, or to choose different display slots depending on the type of weapon category (e.g. for 1h sword the choice between back or hip).

All weapon and tool categories are displayed by default.

Depending on the weapon category, you will find 2 or more possible options to choose from the drop-down list. 

Always available:

  • the default slot on which a weapon category is displayed
  • hide to not show all weapons of this category


Fashionist player configuration "Attache Weapons - Sword One-Handed Display Options"
Fashionist player configuration "Attache Weapons - Weapon Display Options"

Depending on the tool category, you will find 2 or more possible options to choose from the drop-down lists. 

Always available:

  • the default slot on which a tool category is displayed
  • hide to not show all tools of this category
Fashionist player configuration "Attache Weapons - Tool Display Options"


For the server settings, you first have to make yourself admin (“Make Me Admin”-button in the server settings of the game), and then switch to admin mode in the Fashionist configuration.

You will find the toggle button in the lower left corner when you are in admin mode.
Fashionist configuration - mode toggle - admin mode

For admins there are currently 4 configuration groups: Styles, Attached Weapons, Dye System and CharEditLite.


Here you can find settings for all player “style” aspects. All the settings are server settings!

This toggle can be used to deactivate the complete feature, including all its sub features.

Limits the style that can be used to the same type of armor as the one actually worn, i.e. heavy only on heavy, medium only on medium and light only on light.

Fashionist admin configuration "Styles - Armor Type Lock"

If deactivated, prevents the hiding of the worn armor. In combination with ‘Armor Type Lock’ it is always possible to see the type of armor worn, which is very important in PVP.

Fashionist admin configuration "Styles - Hide Armor"

Allows to define a warpaint style separately for head, body and arms, or to hide the corresponding area of the warpaint. The color can be chosen freely from all available warpaint colors.

The possibly existing attributes of the used ‘style’ warpaints are ignored!

Fashionist admin configuration "Styles - Warpaints"

Allows to overwrite the appearance of the used weapons with the appearance of any other weapon of the same type.

The values of the actually used weapons are not changed!

Fashionist admin configuration "Styles - Weapons"

This toggle can be used to deactivate the complete feature, including all its sub features.

Items listed here are excluded from the feature and not displayed on the player character.

This exclusion list can be used to prevent the display of certain items. Especially with items from other mods, it can be problematic if the Fashionist determines the weapons category incorrectly.

I will gladly contact the mod author of the weapon and help to make the two mods compatible. In the meantime, this feature helps to prevent the worst from happening: clipping or floating weapons.

With an activated admin role, the required itemid is shown in the tooltip.

Fashionist admin configuration "Attached Weapons - Exclude Item"

This toggle can be used to deactivate the complete feature, including all its sub features.

Important: If you deactivate the dye system, only the color picker is deactivated. Already dyed armor remains dyed even if the colors used are no longer available!

Allows to dye parts of the armor that the developers did not intend. Does not have to have a visible effect for every armor piece!

Fashionist admin configuration "Dye System - All Channels Dyeable"

Defines the maximum dye brightness. To activate bright neon colors, turn it up.

Fashionist admin configuration "Dye System - Maximum Color Value"

A maximum color value of 14 restricts the color palette as follows:

Limited color palette with a maximum color value of 14.

Defines the maximum dye saturation. To activate over saturated colors, turn it up.

Fashionist admin configuration "Dye System - Maximum Saturation Value"

A maximum saturation value of 15 restricts the color palette as follows:

Limited color palette with a maximum saturation value of 15.

The current integration of CharEditLite is more or less a 1:1 conversion of the old standalone mod. Therefore, most settings are still in the mirror’s UI.

Deactivates the CharEditLite feats and recipes. Already invested points are refunded to the player.

Existing items like mirrors or shards will not be removed, but cannot be used anymore!

Fashionist admin configuration "CharEditLite - Deactivate Feat"

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