Better Thralls – Q&A

Here I try to answer some of the frequently asked questions about my mod Better Thralls.

There are 2 ways to open the mod configuration:

The green Better Thralls configuration button on the left side of the character inventory or the command line command:

DataCmd BetterThralls

Regardless of your role (admin or player), the configuration will open in “player” mode.

To access the server settings, you must first make yourself an admin (“Make Me Admin” button in the game’s server settings), and then switch to “admin” mode in the Better Thralls mod settings.

You will find the toggle button in the bottom left corner when you are in admin mode.
configuration – mode toggle – admin mode

ModControlPanel is no longer supported due to its limited capabilities.

There may be several reasons for this.

  • The mod is not activated
    It is not enough to subscribe to the mod. It must also be activated.

    The mod is only activated if it is listed on the right-hand side under “Selected”.
  • The pak-file is corrupted
    Steam sometimes delivers corrupted files or corrupts the existing pak file during a mod update. Sometimes it helps to check the game files. It may also help to unsubscribe and re-subscribe to the mod. However, sometimes even this does not help, or only after several attempts. Therefore I provide both the current and the previous version of my mods for download: Mod Downloads
  • Faulty ModController-Cache entries
    This is a Funcom feature that unfortunately tends to fail sometimes and mess up parts of individual mods. The cache entries of individual mods then point to the mod controllers of other mods, preventing the correct files from being loaded. The mod is enabled, but not properly initialized. The easiest way to fix this is to remove the ModController-Cache. The file called ModControllerCache.json can be found in the same folder as the save game (the game.db).

The button no longer exists. The additional followers are now also recruited via the white “follow” button.

This can have several reasons.

  • Feature is not enabled
    If additional followers are set to 0, the feature is disabled.
  • “War Party” prerequisite enabled but not fulfilled
    If the prerequisite is enabled, the player must spend 20 points in Authority and select “War Party”. Without this perk, no additional followers are available.
  • Thrall types do not like each other
    As of patch 3.0 (Age of Sorcery), there are different thrall groups and not every group wants to travel together with every other group. This is not a limitation of Better Thralls and there are currently no plans to remove this limitation!
  • Not all types of thralls can be used as additional followers
    Currently, only thralls/pets from the “Warrior” group are supported. This primarily includes all human thralls and most pets. Zombies, undead and possibly thralls from other mods are not usable, depending on which group they are assigned to.
  • Only 1 horse can follow me at a time
    This is also a change introduced with patch 3.0 (Age of Sorcery) of the game. Mounts now have their own group and their size is hard limited to 1 and the mod does not change this.
  • “Refuses to follow”
    If you get this message, you should check your mod list for outdated mods. As of patch 3.0 (Age of Sorcery), every thrall type must belong to a thrall group. Mod-specific thralls that have not been updated will no longer be usable as followers. This is a problem with the mod implementing the new thrall, not a problem with the base game or Better Thralls.
    Mods that unknowingly overwrite thrall data with an older version are also a problem.
    Mods that cause this problem:
    LTs Farming (last update: 11-2020) – Solution: remove the mod. There will probably be no more updates for this mod.

Unfortunately, I can’t tell you that either.

Since patch 3.0 (Age of Sorcery), the game alone takes care of the XP for the followers. The additional followers are now also supplied with XP via the standard mechanics of the game. If something goes wrong, then the mod can’t fix it.

Better Thralls has never and will never make any changes to the thralls’ stats. Wherever you got this information, it is wrong.

There are thralls with a similar icon in other mods too. Better Thralls Lamplighters can be recognized by the small BT in the top left corner.

If BT is missing, then it is not a Better Thralls Lamplighter.


In general, we only support the current version of the game and mods. Since mod and game updates can sometimes be a bit problematic, we also have the previous version of the mod available in our download section (Downloads).

What we do not support under any circumstances are completely outdated versions of the game, whether you bought the game and prefer to play an old version, or whether you are using a pirated copy of the game. We do not support outdated versions of the game or mods.

So don’t even ask for version x of the mod that works with the 2020 version of the game.

Bug reports must always be made via the discord server. Only there, it is possible to deal with bug reports in detail.

Testerles Conan Exiles Mods

Definitely not suitable for bug reports: the comment section at the bottom of this page!

The way the Unreal Engine manages its files makes it impossible to implement a feature in more than one mod without significant additional effort. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time for that.

Most parts of the mod are configurable and can be enabled or disabled as an admin and/or player. If you miss a setting, feel free to make a suggestion. The best place to do this is my discord server: Testerles Conan Exiles Mods

See my answer in Is feature x also available as a standalone mod?

See my answer in Is feature x also available as a standalone mod?

If you like my work, consider supporting me and my mods with a donation:

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